This site contains newspapers that have been “tagged” or “segmented” into articles or
types of content, as well as newspapers that have not received this treatment (that is,
newspapers for which the smallest unit available is a full page). For newspapers that have
been segmented by article, human beings classified the articles by type (birth
announcement, etc.). They also keyed-in the headlines.
From each newspaper’s home page, you can search for specific content within the
article-segmented newspapers.
For each search option, type the term(s) you would like to search for and click Go. To search for a phrase, surround your keywords with double quotes.
This type of search will produce results like this.
Alternatively, you can browse all births, deaths, and marriage announcements in this newspaper in chronological order.
IMPORTANT: Many birth, death, and marriage announcements appeared in articles with a generic headline, like Local Happenings, that were not tagged. If you want to include this untagged content in your search, use the All text in... search at left.