The University of Utah

Utah Enquirer

1888 - 1895

The Territorial Enquirer, "An Independent, Commercial and Family Newspaper, Devoted to the Interests of Utah County and the Territory Generally," was preceded by The Utah County Enquirer and was published every Tuesday and Friday from October 10, 1877, until December 30, 1887. "A newspaper should not be the receptacle for petty spleen, neither should it be allowed to serve personal and unscrupulous ends. Hence, our desire is that this journal shall be thoroughly reliable and honest in all its aims and utterances...We do not know of any better cause which we could espouse than that of maintaining the right and uttering our voice, feeble though it may be, in the defense of truth and liberty." It was renamed the Utah Enquirer and printed every Tuesday and Friday from January 3, 1888 until 1897. From 1888-1890, the newspaper's motto was: "The welfare of the people is our highest aim."

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