The University of Utah

Times Independent

1918 - 2005

The Times-Independent was formed in 1919 when two Moab newspapers, The Grand Valley Times and The Independent merged. The first issue stated: "In making our appearance to the people of south-eastern Utah we have no appology to offer. The newspaper has become a necessary factor in the civilization of the age. The only question that has puzzled the writer, since becoming acquainted with this section, and seeing the evedences of thrift and enterprise that is fast making this naturally beautiful valley an Eden, is, why has not the local newspaper been established before? It can only be accounted for by the fact that the hardy pioneer settlers have been too busy ploughing, planting trees and irrigating to look after themselves, or to discover to the outside world the necessity for such an addition to the valley."

We extend our thanks to the Grand County Library and the Times-Independent for their generous donations and the loan of the original newspapers for scanning.

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