The University of Utah


1915 - 1932

In its first edition, June 4, 1915, The Sun stated: "With this issue The Sun makes its bow before the people. The Sun is republican in politics, but its aim at all times will be the upbuilding of Price, Carbon County and the Empire of Eastern Utah...It will shine for all." Price was a mining town, named for William Price, a Mormon bishop who explored the area in the 1860s. Workers came from around the world after coal was discovered in the 1880s, resulting in Price becoming more diverse than the rest of Utah. The Sun was not the first newspaper in Price but perhaps due to its alliance with the Republican Party, it enjoyed relative success. The weekly Sun provided a mix of local and national news, political cartoons, coal prices, and the occasional Biblical quotation. Robert W. Crockett, the Sun's manager, often made the news instead of reporting it. A Carbon County official gave Crockett a public beating for lampooning him in the newspaper. Crockett retaliated by stabbing the official in the stomach. The Sun didn't run this story, but the Carbon County News did. Read more.

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