The University of Utah

Mt. Pleasant Pyramid

1912 - 2004

The Mount Pleasant Pyramid was founded on December 6, 1890 by A. B. Williams, who shortly after starting the paper sold it to J. M. and M. A. Boyden. In 1912 the paper was published every Friday morning, with a subscription rate of $1.50 per year. In a note on December 1, 1912, the proprietors write that the newspaper "is enjoying at the present time the most prosperous period of its history. And the future looks even better. With a large and ever-increasing list of subscribers, a good advertising patronage, and the job department crowded with work at the present time, things look good for the next year for The Pyramid. It is duly appreciative, and will do its best, as of yore, to merit a continuance of all the patronage given."

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