The University of Utah

Manti Messenger

1893 - 1999

The Messenger began publication as The Manti Messenger on Friday, October 13, 1893, with the motto, "For the free coinage of silver and protection to home industries." The first issue stated: "The Messenger...will make an appearance with perfect regularity each week, and endeavor to fill the mission of a first-class newspaper. In no case, and under no circumstances, will its columns ever be used for the ventillation of personal abuse or vindicative malice. The paper will advocate the principles of mutual protection to home and country. We recognize Utah with her perfect climate, varied resources and thrifty and industrious people, as our home, and the United States of America—the best and greatest system of government in the world—as our country. To these we owe and cheerfully acknowledge perfect and unswerving allegiance." The newspaper's name was shortened in 1895.

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