The University of Utah

Deseret Weekly

1888 - 1898

The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory, just three years after Mormon pioneers settled the Great Salt Lake valley. In 1865, the weekly became a semi-weekly, appearing on Tuesdays and Saturdays. On November 21, 1867, editor George Q. Cannon added a daily edition called the Deseret Evening News, which published every evening except Sunday. Most of what was published in the daily edition was also published in the weekly and semi-weekly. The daily was meant for city readers and the weekly and semi-weekly for those living in rural areas. Until December 1898, all three editions published concurrently. By the 1920s, the Deseret News had moved its operation to downtown Salt Lake, installing a 50-horsepower printing press capable of printing 32,000 issues per hour. In 1922, the newspaper discontinued the semiweekly but branched out into new territory with a radio station. Known today as the Deseret Morning News, the paper boasts the second highest readership of any daily in Utah. It remains the longest running American newspaper west of the Missouri River and continues to operate as an official organ of the Mormon Church. This newspaper has published as Deseret News, Deseret Evening News, Deseret Morning News, Deseret News Salt Lake Telegram, Deseret Semi-Weekly News, and the Deseret Weekly. Read more.

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